Monday, 31 December 2018

Activity 1 Wk 1 SLJ

Here are my 3 facts about NZ that I thought were interesting!

  1.  NZ in Maori means Aotearoa and Aotearoa means: Land of the long white cloud.
      2.  NZ has the longest place name.
     3.  Auckland is home to the largest number of boats.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Word Art

In class for homework we made an origami box out of paper. We have been writing positive words about our friends and then we put it in their box. We then took all of the words out of our box and made word art about ourselves.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018


On Tuesday 27th of November we had a guy called Paddy come in and teach us about cricket. 
We learnt new skills about cricket and was able to get out of the classroom for some fitness. My favourite part was being able to hit the ball. Here are some photos, Enjoy!

Monday, 26 November 2018


In class on Wednesday we had a new teacher called Mrs Meikle. We learnt about knights. We  were learning about what they do and how they lived. I made a slideshow with my buddy Miro. Enjoy =)

Tuesday, 20 November 2018


In class we have been reading a book called "Wringer" written by Jerry Spinelli. We all wrote about a scene from the book then pulled names out of a hat, the persons script that got chosen was the one that was recorded. We choose more then one script so we were all in groups. My groups script was written by Bethiney, it is when all of the boys were throwing snowballs at Dorothy and she didn't react to them.
Next time I would like to describe the scene more by adding in more dialogue.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Pet day

In class we are learning to write a information report. For Pet Day we had to write a information report about our pet. It had to to include the breed of the pet what it eats, what it drinks, and where it sleeps.
Next time I would like to find out more about my pet and also try to describe my pet more.

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Holiday Reading

In the spring holidays for reading we had to make a google drawing and find a sentence in the book that we are reading the describes the feelings of a character. We had to include the author, the page number of the book where we found the sentence and the name of the book. Here is my drawing.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Super Saturday News

In class for reading I made a News report with my buddies Alex and Chloe-Rose. It's topic is refugees in NZ. Enjoy.

Thursday, 16 August 2018


In class we have been reading the book Refugee. In the story the character Isabel is trying to get to Miami in a small wooden boat. For reading we got to choose an activity to do that was related to the book. One of the choices was Minecraft where we had to build Isabel's boat. I made my boat in the water so it looked more realistic.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Look into his eyes

In class we have been writing a story called "look into his eyes."

We had to make the sentence better by fixing up mistakes and making sure the sentence made sense we also had to guess the time of day and where the sentence was set.

Here is the sentence we had to fix up:

It is night time

A boy walks on a road

 He sees a figure

He feels happy

We also had to make sure our story was in paragraphs when we had different idea.s Here is the sentence that I made:

 It is the middle of a moonlit night, a boy walks down an bumpy gravel road.  He jumps as a little brown and white rabbit hops onto the road with a blade a grass sticking out of his mouth

Then the boy spots a big figure wearing a black jacket and black pants. The Figure turns around and scares the rabbit away.

The boy thinks it’s his Dad (he hasn’t seen his Dad in 4 years)

He feels ecstatic as his legs start to wobble.

As the boy runs closer the person's face is easy to identify, it was his Dad, and the boy gives him a big hug.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Winter holiday reading

In the winter holidays we had to make a google drawing and find a sentence in a book that we were reading that describes the setting. We had to include the author, the page number of the book where we found the sentence and the name of the book. Here is my drawing.

Friday, 6 July 2018

Pukapuka Words

In class we have been learning about Pukapuka. We had to choose words from the text we were reading. I made a Screencastify with my buddies Sophie and Isabel. Here are our words.

C S Lewis

In class I made a slideshow with my buddy Tane about C S Lewis. C S Lewis is the creator of the Narnia books. He also got wounded in the war.

Friday, 29 June 2018


I made a video about Sid the cute school cat.

Reading Plus Progress

I have made a video about how I am going in Reading plus.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Picasso Painting

In class we have been painting portraits like Pablo Picasso did. Pablo Picasso was a famous artist. We painted the side view of the face and the other side had to have the same facial features but a different look.
 Here is my painting.

Sunday, 24 June 2018


In class we have been reading about an island called Pukapuka. Pukapuka is part of the Cook Islands. I made a slideshow about why you should stay there.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Maths DLO

In room five we have been learning our five times tables all the way up to our nine times tables. We have also been learning how to use brackets in maths.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Cross Country

On Monday the 26th of May was Cross Country. Me and Jackson made a slideshow about it. Our writing had to include sensations, feeling sights and sounds. Here is our slideshow.
My next step would be to think but not write I can see, I can hear.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Self Portraits

In class for topic we have been drawing self portraits. We were learning about where to position the facial features. Here is my first self portrait.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Worm Farm

In class for reading  we are learning about how a worm farm can help our Earth . My buddies Miro, Tane and Solly made a Screencastify on worm farms.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

My Reading Profile

In class for reading I made a Reading Profile for term 2. We had to include out term 2 goals our book we are reading ant where we would like to be in Reading Plus by the end of the term. Here it is.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Paul Beavis

On Friday the 11th of May 2018 author Paul Beavis came to see room 5. We learnt how to draw one  of his character out of his book and he showed us his photos of when he was a child. My buddy Alex and I made a slideshow about Paul Beavis.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018


In class we have been writing poems. we got to choose a colour each and make a poem about the colour. Jackson and I made a poem about the colour blue.

What is Blue?    
Blue is a blue flame,
the brightest colour in the sky,
just like the tear out of your eye,
The boldest colour in the box,
Just like the sea,
A gem,
A blueberry,
A Hyacinth flower,
A pukeko,
A blue tray,
A table ,
blue as a cable,
Bright as the blue moon,

Bright as a blue balloon.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


In class for maths Jackson and I have been working on types of angles. We found out that 90 degrees was also called a right angle. We have made a video on what we have found.

Thursday, 3 May 2018


Alex and I have made a slideshow on how to fold your milk carton properly and what to do with them when you have finished your milk.


In the holidays I went to Australia with my Nana my Aunty and my two Cousins. I made a slideshow about it and had the best time of my life. We went to Movie World, Wet N Wild, and Sea World I will tell you what we did at these three places in my slideshow.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Descriptive Sentence.

For the holiday we had to write a descriptive sentence. It had to include the books title and page number. Then we had to write down the author and our descriptive sentence.

Sunday, 15 April 2018


Hey, just saying I am going to Australia on Thursday the 19th of April 2018. I will be trying to post everyday I am there. I will post on my blog everyday about what I am doing and maybe even some photos, fingers crossed I can figure out how to do that. I will be back home on the 26th of April. When I get home from Australia I will tell you how much I liked my holiday away. So, see you on Thursday. BYE, BYE =)

Friday, 13 April 2018


I made a stop motion animation on me camping with my cat. Here is my SMA!


Today my buddy Jackson and I made a video on what we got taught from Harold. We learnt about the digestive system and how our body works. We had alot of fun with Harold and we also got to see someone have a X Ray of their digestive system.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Swimming Review

In class we had to write about our swimming for the term. Here is my slideshow to reflect on how my swimming for the term went.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Hunting and Fishing

Throughout the Easter weekend Ahaura had their Hunting and Fishing Competition. We are learning to describe and write in present tense and use vivid words. Here is my writing about it.

As I see a truck with deer hanging on hooks that are dead a tractor hangs up more deer and chamois. I look in a bin and see an eel swimming round in the water. A truck drives in front of me and is hooked to a trailer that is carrying a deer, a magpie, and a trout. I think I can smell the muddy grass from the marquee lying on the ground from when it has been set up. I win a spot prize and my brother wins a GUN! I can see a rank red bloody deer with flies buzzing around it. As I walk away the buzzing of the flies is driving me crazy and I almost walk into a pole.

As I touch an eel it shoots off like a rocket round in the water. I feel sad for these animals that are lying dead on the table. I can hear people talking to each other and having fun. I can smell the bloody animals and the eel slime. I feel yuck inside as I have a quick glance over at the truck with deer hanging off the side swaying back and forth on hooks with blood dripping out their stomachs. I think I can see someone carrying a sausage that is wrapped in bread dripping with tomato sauce making me feel sick.

As people start to leave and drive away the packing up situation begins. Once everyone has left, the marquee starts to droop when people loosen the straps. Then slowly the marquee is taken down and rolled up into a pile, then put in a truck to be driven to be put in a clean dry place. Then the Ahaura Hunting and Fishing Competition is over.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Friday, 23 March 2018

All About Me

In class we made a slideshow and each had one slide to work on. We had to write down things about us. Here is my slide.

Monday, 19 March 2018


In class we had to write about our Safe Cycling that we had on Thursday in week 5. We had to write in present tense and had to describe as much as we can. Here is my description of Safe Cycling.

Bang, bang goes the ramp as you come flying off. Then you go flying down the straight and all you can hear is HURRY UP!  Bumping up and down as you ride along the ladder, then try not to fall off while swerving in and out of cones.

Then when you almost reach the line... screeeeeeeeech! It sounds like when you jam on your brakes on the wet pavement. When it’s your turn again you felt excited, and when you finish the course all you want to do is the whole course again. As you jump to the ground from the seesaw it feels as if you are jumping off from a two storey building.

As you see people zoom past you it is hard to tell who they are. Then another course is set up and I am  the first one to have a go. At the end of the court you have to stop and look left and right then you have to ride over a ladder, then ride in and out of cones then screeeeeech to a stop and wait, wait, still waiting, even more waiting.  Oh yay, another course, this is going to be easy... but it isn’t because we are crashing into each other, going round and round in a circle. Soon after  it is all over, yay… I’m very tired.

I think I gave biking my best effort and I had a great time!

Friday, 16 March 2018


In class we have been learning to write a description. This is about  Zoi Sadowiski-Synnott who goes for gold but gets bronze at the snowboarding in the Winter Olympics at Pyeong. We had to include present tense and sights and sounds.

Zoi is raring to go as she waits for the traffic light to turn green. Ding Ding Ding goes the bell as she scurries down the slope to the big jump. As she approaches the ramp the board smoothly slides up to the edge. Fling goes the back of the board, and she’s off flying into the frosty air. She attempts a double backflip and she bounds through the air with lots of momentum to keep her going. Slam, goes the board as she hits the ground. Zoi has a big smile on her face as she skids to a halt to catch sight of her fans cheering her name.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Wasp Nest

Recently Miro brought a wasp nest to school to show the class. Here is my descriptive writing about the nest. We used our seven writing prompts that are shape, size, position, number, colour, texture and  doing to help us describe. Here is my writing.

Wasp Nest
Recently Miro brought a wasp nest to school to show everyone . He had found it while picking raspberries in his garden.

The wasp nest is crumbly and dry and it still had a live wasp in it when we cut it open. Where the wasp had hatched you can see the cells are hexagon shaped. A cell is a place where a wasp would lay an egg. The outer shell of the nest feels like very thin, dry cardboard that is rough and jagged. The cells that are joined together are called combs which are joined together with mud that we call pillars. The wasp nest  feels like thin paper but is actually made out of wood from a fence or house. When we opened up the nest there were loads of dead wasps. They had also made the nest out of straw. The wasps built the nest around a rock. You can see the hole where the wasps would have came in and out from the nest. The cells look like the inside of a cardboard box. I accidently broke the nest but now we can see how its built. Now and then a wasp will hatch out of one of the cells and scare the whole class. The colour of the wasp nest is light brown. We left the wasp nest outside and more wasps hatched. It is shaped like a ball.  There are more than one hundred cells in the nest.

In conclusion I think that wasps are pests and I hate them!

Thursday, 1 March 2018

How to be good Learners in Room 5

In class we made a shared slideshow and had one slide each to work on. We had to write down what would make us good learners in room 5.
Here is my slide.

Monday, 26 February 2018


In class we have been writing poems about our summer. We were inspired to write poems by MARCI RIDLON who wote a summer poem as well. We had to write the poem the same way MARCI RIDLON did which was called That was Summer. Here is my poem.
Image result for claw catThat was Summer
Remember that time
when your cat scratched you
cause it was scared of bubbles
Image result for kittenin the bath
and stealing snacks
cause you were hungry?
Remember how the cat almost fell in the bath?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you ate ice cream
in the hot hot sun
and before you could finish it
it had melted into the ice cream cone?
Remember how it made your hands sticky?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you were camping
and there were loads of bugs
in your caravan floating round the lights
and at night it started to rain?
Remember how you got up in the morning
and you could smell the wet pavement?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you went on walks with your dad
and then you went to check the water pump
and it felt like you fell down the well?
Remember how hard it was seeing if the water was past the pump because the water was so blue?
That was summer.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Basket ball bounces

In class we are learning to do a statistical investigation on basket ball bounces in a minute. Here is  my drawing on how many basket ball bounces we could do in a minute. Our aim was to find how many basket ball bounces we could do in a minute.

My book review

In class we made a book review. We had to write why we like the book and the author. Here is my Book Review

Friday, 9 February 2018

Room 5 Jumps

In class we are learning to do a statistical investigation. This statistical investigation is about how many jumps we could do in a minute. My number of jumps was 50. Here is my DLO on what we had to do.

Friday, 2 February 2018

My Reading Profile

In class we had to make a Google drawing about our Reading Profile. Here is my drawing.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

3 Facts about Maui and the Giant fish DLO

In class for our third activity for the Summer learning Journey we had to write down 3 Facts about Maui and the Giant fish. Here is my DLO about it.

Letter to a friend

In our second activity for the Summer Learning Journey we had to write a  letter to a pretend friend. Here is my letter.

Waka Ama race

In class we had to write about what it would be like in a waka ama race for the Summer Learning Journey