In class we had to write about our Safe Cycling that we had on Thursday in week 5. We had to write in present tense and had to describe as much as we can. Here is my description of Safe Cycling.
Bang, bang goes the ramp as you come flying off. Then you go flying down the straight and all you can hear is HURRY UP! Bumping up and down as you ride along the ladder, then try not to fall off while swerving in and out of cones.
Then when you almost reach the line... screeeeeeeeech! It sounds like when you jam on your brakes on the wet pavement. When it’s your turn again you felt excited, and when you finish the course all you want to do is the whole course again. As you jump to the ground from the seesaw it feels as if you are jumping off from a two storey building.
As you see people zoom past you it is hard to tell who they are. Then another course is set up and I am the first one to have a go. At the end of the court you have to stop and look left and right then you have to ride over a ladder, then ride in and out of cones then screeeeeech to a stop and wait, wait, still waiting, even more waiting. Oh yay, another course, this is going to be easy... but it isn’t because we are crashing into each other, going round and round in a circle. Soon after it is all over, yay… I’m very tired.
I think I gave biking my best effort and I had a great time!