We had to make the sentence better by fixing up mistakes and making sure the sentence made sense we also had to guess the time of day and where the sentence was set.
Here is the sentence we had to fix up:
It is night time
A boy walks on a road
He sees a figure
He feels happy
We also had to make sure our story was in paragraphs when we had different idea.s Here is the sentence that I made:
It is the middle of a moonlit night, a boy walks down an bumpy gravel road. He jumps as a little brown and white rabbit hops onto the road with a blade a grass sticking out of his mouth
Then the boy spots a big figure wearing a black jacket and black pants. The Figure turns around and scares the rabbit away.
The boy thinks it’s his Dad (he hasn’t seen his Dad in 4 years)
He feels ecstatic as his legs start to wobble.
As the boy runs closer the person's face is easy to identify, it was his Dad, and the boy gives him a big hug.
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